Bound in Love

Man and Wife, Claimed by Christ, Bound in Love, Stumbling toward Heaven

Just breathe

“The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”

Job 33:4

October is my favorite month.  It is the month of cooler weather, leaves changing colors, and perhaps the smell of the first fire of the season.  Last night while walking our dog we felt the most wonderful breeze, with a hint of fall.  It was a strong push of air and I turned to stand so that I could feel it caress my face.  I felt a huge smile on my lips and I turned to see my husband laughing as my excitement at the possibility of fall weather grew.

The first thing to pop in my mind was “breath of God.”  The wind feels like the breath of God caressing us, lifting us up, filling us with new life.  He is always there, waiting for us, wanting to fill us, if we will  acknowledge Him and his gifts He is constantly sending our way.

I am thankful that yesterday all five members of my family were together to worship at Mass.  One of the true joys in my life is worshiping God with the people I love.  With my oldest gone to college, my other two having busy high school schedules, and my husband being in deaconate training, all five of us in the pew at the same Mass is a true blessing; we are often scattered across 2 or more masses on Sunday.

I am also thankful for good friends, good food and fellowship at a book club dinner last night.

I am thankful for good doctors and modern medicine – I am headed to a doctor’s appointment today.

As I open the door to let my dog out this morning that fresh fall air hits me in the face again.   I breathe it in and smile.  Thank you God for this new day, for the breath that sustains us, for sleep that renews us, and for all that will happen in the coming day.  I ask for the grace to serve you well as I walk through the day trying to keep a grateful heart.

2 responses to “Just breathe”

  1. (catching up on your posts) October is my favorite month also! I love your perspective about wind being God’s breath. On Thanksgiving I will give thanks for the longterm friendships sustained by our book group


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